Have you ever seen 3 to 5 year olds play a sport? Looks like this >>>>>>>
I think it's GREAT that parents and communities are making sports available to children at such young ages. At the very least it will save most kids who participated early from getting teased in gym class because they don't have a clue! (happy childhood memories) But it clearly gives them confidence when they find the sports they are good at, and the early ability to learn how to be team players.
I have three of the cutest, most awesome grandkids anyone could ever hope for. So far, both of the older two have participated in multiple sports teams. They had fun, it was good for them, and it's definitely fun to watch.
With that being said....
My (just turned) five year old grandson had his last soccer game and awards ceremy this weekend...... Back to my original question: Have you ever seen little kids play organized sports? If you haven't, you should. It's the time of your life. I mean, you just GOTTA laugh..... withhold what you're REALLY thinking.... and be encouraging all at the same time!! It's an exercise in (withholding) verbal expression that many could really benefit from. Maybe they could implement something like this to replace the increasingly evil waterboarding.....
There are times when it looks like an honest-to-God clusterf**k!! (And I mean of the Military-type variety! Whatever you do NEVER.... NEVER, NEVER, EVER. Google clusterf**k looking for pictures..... NEVER, take my word for it.)
These little guys (gender NOT specific) are having fun and they're really TRYING to do what they're supposed to do.
Coach: Okay, Oscar, throw the ball in, and you other two get into position! No, you stand here, and you stand here.... Okay, GO!
NOOOO... you were supposed to throw it the OTHER way! Where is our goal? What direction were you supposed to throw it? Okay, do that next time.....good job.....
You can see the frustration on the dad's faces....it's hilarious! One day, one of these dads are gonna have a cardiac arrest right on the field....no kidding. They've GOT to be thinking "no, you little shit...didn't I TELL you about that? You gotta get BEHIND the ball and kick it into the OTHER team's goal!!!!!!" But of course what comes out is, "good try buddy....keep going." (clap clap) Okay, here we go....
......as the other team is throwing the ball in, Alice decides she's hot and tired and needs a drink...thus, runs off the field to mom to get a drink... totally oblivious to what's happening on the soccer field. Parent encourages child to go back onto the field, coach tries to pull in the fourth player who is "on rest break," but then Alice goes back onto the field...refreshed and hydrated just in time for the other team to score another point. Dads are turning really pretty shades of red and purple.... they shake their head and look at their feet... take a deep breath... and say....."Okay, good job guys, let's turn it around now...."
You can only imagine....but it really IS a lot of fun. Who needs to be perfect when you're only 5... or 3?? Too bad I can't take a lot of "ADD-type" breaks at work....lol.... it might be chaotic, but it would be so much more fun!!! ... I'm Just Sayin...
Anyway, here's my now-five year old soccer champ for this year, who was awarded not only a spiffified colygraphic certificate...but also an Olympic-worthy gold medal!! (I know you're jealous...those medals are hard to come by...)
He is absolutely adorable. All three of my children played soccer when they were his age. I loved going to the games. There is something purely magical about the chaos that ensues!
Thank you, I think he is...but I'm biased... ;) ... Yes, you are right about that! Pure quality entertainment for parents and grandparents for sure!! ... it's like an enchanted Poo (Whinney I mean) moment... warm fuzzies and all.. OMG!! When did I become such a squishy person? Came with the grandkids I guess...what can I say... ;)
Awww - what a cutie:)
I miss watching my kids play soccer - at that age..."The OTHER goal" was heard throughout the stands at most games...
WARNING: It gets a lil rough watching later on when dads are not so easy going or forgiving..."You're walking home" is heard throughout the stands at most games...
G-man was the only one of mine who stuck with it until high school when he had to make a choice between futbol and football...
Good luck, soccer champ - it is only going to get better:)
hehe..... boys can use some roughening up........ walking home is only a start...... But DAMN, they're cute at 5, aren't they??
Ha, I remember playing T-ball at that age. I would camp out in (far) left field and play in the dirt.
When my granddaughter first started playing t-ball, she spent more time crouched down picking the grass and moving the stones around than being in the game...as the ball rolls right past...
Cool is that your granson
Yep, how'd ya guess...
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