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When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

American's Know How to Party!!

Did you know that Cinco de Mayo celebrations are bigger in the U.S. than in Mexico? It's true.

May 5 is Cinco de Mayo in Spanish, commonly seen as a celebration of Mexican culture, heritage, and pride. But Latino Americans say it's a very misunderstood celebration here in the States. For starters, it's not Mexican Independence Day.

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican army over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862. Mexican Independence Day is actually September 16.

Reportedly, the "celebration" of Cinco de Mayo is largely the result of promotions in the U.S. by liquor and beer companies, bars, and restaurants since the 1980's.

Well, it's long been said that we Americans do know how to party it up, and hey...whether we got it right or not, we never pass up an opportunity to have a good time!!



And we'll do it all over again next year!!

......I'm Just Sayin..... :-P

Picture provided by Gringo's Mexican Holiday


Jen said...

It's kinda like St. Patrick's day and New Years Eve, Christmas, Easter, Veterans day... just another day to drink in my family.

Shawn said...

Actually, you got it wrong.

It's a day for remembering the USS Commodore, which on this day in 1942 was bringing a shipment of Hellman's Mayonnaise from Rhode Island to North Carolina. Along the way, the ship struck some rocks. No passengers or crew were killed, but 20,000 gallons of mayonnaise was lost to the dark waters of the Atlantic. From then on, that day would be known as (wait for it...wait for it...) Sinko de Mayo.

Winky Twinky said...

Jen: That's for sure, and it isn't only YOUR family...it's an American tradition...

There once was this guy on the blogosphere
Who could talk bull from either near region,
He made me laugh so hard, I couldn't hold the tear,
And he keeps bringin 'em on in legions....

Anonymous said...

Today is David's birthday. He loves to say it's Cinco de Mayo!! Kris

Winky Twinky said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!! A fellow Taurus!! Hey, I got your back man...just holler, okay..... :-D

Marissa said...

I didn't realize that Cinco de Mayo was fully celebrated all over the U.S. I know they do it up pretty big over here in L.A., but I thought it was because we have such a huge Latino population.

Sooo... what do you think the French are doing today?

Winky Twinky said...

Marissa: You might be surprised to know that New Orleans is one of the front runners to celebrate Cinco de Mayo... Then again, they are quite the party hounds, aren't they? The French? Shoot, if they're smart...not that I ever said they were... but if they were, they would be celebrating it up like all the rest of us party hounds.... What do you think??

Marissa said...

Hahahhah! I like it. LOL - "If they're smart...not that I ever said they were..."

Winky Twinky said...

Marissa: No shit...might be one of the smartest things they ever did was the gift of the statue of liberty...but I digress... Then again..we American's stick together and are cool like that... ;)

Phillipia said...

Shawn has it right - or at least that is the way I heard it, too. But any reason for me to have a margarita...or two or three...is a great thing.

Winky Twinky said...

Phillipia: Let's tie one on.... or two...or a dozen.... What???