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When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Okay, So I'm Hopeless...

I've been folding clothes, towels, and bedding for how many umpteen years now! Am I the only idiot who simply cannot fold the fitted sheet!?! Hence, the picture above. Now, I don't know about you, but I refuse to iron sheets, jeans, or underwear -- sorry.... but usually a good fold is good enough for most every day items..... EXCEPT the damn fitted sheet. Neighbor Homemaker's folded sheet looks like the one on the right...while mine turns out like the one on the left.... and it always unfolds in wrinkles.

So, I ask Neighbor Homemaker to give me some tips. She very proficiently proceeded to walk me through how she does it, beginning with matching up the rounded ends and putting them together.... like thus and so....

Well, I KNOW about that..... my mother taught me about matching up the corners and putting them neatly together.

So, next she shows me how to press together, smoothing out all the wrinkles, tucking neatly, smoothing some more, matching the edges up just like this...

Yeah, I can do that... (she thinks she knows everything)...

So, I go home and fold my sheet exactly as instructed...to the exact same specifications.....

So.....WHY OH WHY... does my sheet STILL not look like hers? I mean it doesn't even look as good as mine did before!!!
.....SIGH... Okay, so it's ME, I get it....I'm doomed for wrinkled sheets... does it REALLY matter in the scheme of things?? .... I'm Just Sayin...


Phillipia said...

Hey, they're just going to get wrinkled when you *sleep* on them anyway....

Winky Twinky said...

Very true..... but STOP pointing out the obvious here... I'm trying to make a point.... I guess that I am folding challenged... damn... do ya think that could qualify me for Disability? Damn, didn't think so....so, I can't be a female Effrum (see Spaz for that one)..... sigh

Winky Twinky said...

btw...I'm also "link" challenged... yeah, turns out the fun never ends!!

Marissa said...

Damn fitted sheets! It's practically origami with those things. I cracked up at your sheet though. The last photo looks like a giant pair of bunched-up granny panties.

Winky Twinky said...

Granny panties???? Well, at least they are recognized for SOMETHING!!! Thanks Marissa!! You are awesome....my Grandmother
salutes you...... !!!

Anonymous said...

come on over for a lesson if its stressin you out. i'm the sheet folding pro!!


Timothy W Higgins said...


The good news is that most if not all of the wrinkles disappear in a fitted sheet when you put them on the bed. The better news is that you cover the fitted sheet with a flat one, and that with a comforter or blanket.

We all have our dirty little secrets. If yours is only a wrinkled fitted sheet, you are doing well ma'am.

Winky Twinky said...

Kris: Already tried that one..

TH: All true...you are wise with common sense.... and yeah, we'll juse say this is my only little secret hehe