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When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished...

Friday, May 15, 2009


Well, it has DEFINITELY been a long week. More lay offs, per usual these days. Those of us left are told how lucky we are to still have a job..... while they pile on more and more work...more coverages...and NO staff to cover it..... that's okay, I have my superman cape around here somewhere...........
Anyway, last coupla days I've been busy transforming from one completely dilapidated car... to an old van..... but new to me, and I'm lovin it!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!


DouglasDyer said...

I hate to break this to you but...your pussy is upside down.

Winky Twinky said...

LOL... I know... Can't tell her anything though...seems she prefers it that way.... whatcha gonna do?....except enjoy anyway!!! ;)

Chelle Blögger said...

OK, I am proud to see that a cute, innocent post somehow turned perverted in the comments. :)

Winky Twinky said...

Hehe....it's so delightfully offensive!

Marissa said...

We were told yesterday to expect layoffs plus mandatory furlough days off (2 days a month), which is a 10% pay cut basically. Yes - I'm happy I have a job where I can do double the work, for less pay than before.

I'm tellin' ya, one of these days I'm gonna lose it and walk in with my Superman cape AND NOTHING ELSE! Oh, and cowboy boots.

Winky Twinky said...

LOL...That'd definitely tell 'em... probably nothing about work, but it'd tell 'em something!

Phillipia said...

I am learning to just nod and say yeah, I'll get to it...the meds really help...
Enloy the van:)

Winky Twinky said...

LOL....... thanks Chica.... happy after prom weekend to you.....

Mike said...

When you put your superman cape on, make sure you put your undies on the outside of your pants.

Looks better.

Winky Twinky said...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot... how 'bout the yellow ones....