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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Non Sequitur? One of My Mini-Rants...

In My Never To Be Humble Opinion:

I work in downtown Toledo. Since I am NOT a Judge, Magistrate, or Social Worker (who qualify for free parking), but clerical staff (I earn much less, so therefore, I must be punished by paying to work there).....THUS qualifying me for one of the lower paying peon positions.... I have earned the dubioius distinction of qualifying to have to pay for my own damn parking!!! A couple years ago when I was having a really difficult time financially, it came to the place where I just could not sustain the $40 a month for parking fees (owned by the "county" I work for btw, but that's something for another time)... Anyway, I've been parking at the meters all this time, with okay success... I mean, $40 a month versus an occasional $10 ticket if you can't get to the meter, or they're particularly timely.... worth a try........ HOWEVER.... this year, with the budget trouble, and economic instability.....OMG!!!!! I think they've hired people to canvass for 100% perfection......and they're JUMPING on overticketing -- they even decided they can ticket a car more than one time in a day.........

I believe that if Toledo wants to attract people back into the downtown area, THERE MUST BE FREE PARKING!!! That's numero uno. The Mudhens field has attracted some business; however, those who try visiting some of the downtown businesses, such as the new (and wonderful) Pizza Papalis....have found that by give places like this their business, they are highly subject to being ticketed for parking.... Secondly, since people love malls so much, and/or discount store shopping, maybe something like that ought to be considered rather than the brilliant idea of having upscale shopping stores in an area of town most people consider NOT so upscale, especially those who ARE upscale (does that make any sense?) In any event, even if they're gonna stick to the Jail and Courthouses in the downtown area, there is still NO earthly reason anyone should have to pay to park on a public street -- I mean, I pay my taxes like everyone else...wtf......... Where else in the city do you have to pay to park, I ask you?

We unsuspecting citizens, who are going about our own business get notices in the mail to report for jury duty. To do this, you have to miss a day of work, drive our happy ass downtown, SEARCH and maneuver around other drivers for a parking spot, only to find out you have to walk three blocks and parking will cost you at least $3.00. So, by now it has cost you, everyday Joe, a day's pay, gas to drive downtown, $3.00 minimum to park....and if you don't get released from duty by Noon, you now have to buy yourself some lunch. So, let's see..... you get paid $10.00 for serving your community...and maybe your workplace will pay you for your missed work day since it was a civic duty (long as you turn in that damned $10).... and Hey! you would have had to drive yourself to work anyway, right? BUT you still had to pay to park your damn car on a public road!!!!! Since I work downtown, I have a personal interest in this issue, (I got *3* F****** tickets just this week).... and I believe it is simply UnAmerican to have to pay to park on a public street..........Therefore, no one should ever get a ticket for this.

I realize that under the current economic situation (do not even get me started on THAT!!), that this problem is not about to go away any time soon............ but it's soooooooooo punitive.... and for NO reason except for the purposes of collecting more undeserved taxation to fund the mis-spending of those who do not have a clue but are running the city!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!! (check out Take Back Toledo)

..... I could be wrong......But I don't think so......... :-P


Phillipia said...

I agree..we should not have to pay to park to work...unless workers get vouchers to compensate. I could not afford to work downtown...

Winky Twinky said...

Yes, you are right....I don't know what I'm gonna do on Tuesday......