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Saturday, April 25, 2009

NOW...it's the Swine Flu

The variations of certain destruction are never ending, no ? Anyway, here are some suggestions my doctor told me about avoiding the dreaded viruses:

First of all, there's the usual....
Eat right, get fruits and veggies,
Get your flu shot if one's available,
Fresh Air
Reduce Stress
...and wash your hands often....

But the biggest thing..... is to take the doctor's approach..I mean think about it!!

When you go for a shot, what do they do first? They clean your arm with alcohol! Why? Because alcohol kills germs, silly!!

Soooo....... my personal regimine includes ALL of the above!!

I walk to the liquor store ... exercise!!
I put lime in my Corona ... Fruit!!
I love celery in my Bloody Mary ... Veggies!!
I drink outside on the patio ... Fresh Air!!
I love to tell jokes, laugh, and read Humor Bloggers ... Eliminates Stress!!
Then, inevitably I pass out ... Rest!!

The way I see it? If you keep your alcohol levels up, flu germs can't get you!!

........Hey...a shot in the glass...is better than one in the ass!!....I'm Just Sayin..... :-P


Shawn said...

It looks like you've developed a foolproof way to stay healthy. If I were you I would take this post down immediately, expound on the ideas, turn it into a book, sell a million copies, give me 10%, the end.

Winky Twinky said...

I like the way you think, Shawn...however, my attempts to follow this regimine and ward off the flu, has somehow lessened my ability to concentrate on large projects, like turning one page of information into an entire book...I wonder why...

LargeBill said...

Great health management plan. I've been following a similar plan for decades and I've lived forever - so far.

Winky Twinky said...
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Phillipia said...
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Mike said...

Be careful not to get any blood in your alcohol stream, eh?

Winky Twinky said...

Aye Aye Cap'n...shouldn't be a problem since I'm not a vampire..no blood, no poo..only alcohol will do...

Timothy W Higgins said...


I can easily stand behind the lime in the Corona (also helps to prevent scurvy, by the way), the celery in the bloody Mary, fresh air and stress relief.

It is never the less true however, that the Irish believe that all diseases can be cured by the liberal (pardon that word) application of Irish Whiskey. Like the rabies series however, this innoculation process takes about 30 days in order for the cure to properly take hold.

I myself am off this evening to further build up my resistance.

Winky Twinky said...

Hey thanks for the tip...I'll add that to my existing regimen!! I may get more "rest" than I expected too, but at least I won't have the flu!!