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When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Poetry Monday

For online daters...

I saw you as words on a screen
Letters cascading emotions through me
Grins and smiles fill me
Depths of feelings confuse me

Dancing together on a keyboard of wonder
Drifting within air bound castles
I loved you as if you stood beside me
I've held you tighter than a dream

Reaching through I take your hand
But you are gone
Were you no more than a dream?
You are as the mist...
Too risky to be hurt...

Surprise....I was real
I loved you...

But now I am gone...


Shawn said...

'tis sad...

Winky Twinky said...

yes 'tis... though I've been told one should get glad in the same shoes they got sad in...