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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sooo, Naked Anyone??

Family heirlooms of naked gnomes have been outlawed in Brittain....

Now, my great aunt is trying to pass her naked gnomes off on ME!!!
Given to her by my great nana. They carried a curse. Display in the garden or 20 years of no sex.....
Well, she proudly displayed them over the years.... but recently, Brittain has decided they do not want them naked-ing up their neighborhoods....
In a panic, my aunt sent them to me!!! NOOOOO.... Now, the curse is MINE to deal with....I don't even have a garden!! Anyone willing to take on the naked gnomes and their curse? This is really gonna kill my love life....... anyone?


Shawn said...

Unfortunately I already have some naked girl gnomes. I'm afraid if I add these to the yard...well, you know. Before you know it, I've got a hundred gnomes.

Winky Twinky said...

I knooowwwwwwww... girl gnomes attract male gnomes.... and next thing ya know....there's 1,000 gnomes.... and they're making laws about it!!! SHAMELESS!!! Geez!! WHEN can we EVER get a break???

Timothy W Higgins said...


I shudder to think of such a curse being cast in your path. Maybe you can donate them to Travelocity, where they can make a series of politically incorrect, but never the less amusing commercials.

Let the curse be on them.

Winky Twinky said...

EXCELLENT idea!! I think I'll give them a call..