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When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Who? Me?? WOW!!!

Today started out as just another Wednesday...but then something really fun happened! I was accepted into Humor Bloggers Dot Com!! I KNOW!! How COOL is that?!! I gotta tell ya, this is no little thing...I mean this is a group of some of the funniest, slightly twisted individuals ever... (I don't know about how funny, but otherwise I fit right in...) So, if you're reading this and have never checked out Humor Bloggers, you're in for a treat...just click the link to your top right.....yeah, right up there...

Anyway, I am truly humbled and honored to be a member of this totally innocuous-free, fun, and totally loveable group of hot-air ramblers and bulloney speakers...... Yeah, that about sums myself up pretty accurately....

Soooooooo, maybe I haven't completely lost my sense of humor after all...

NOW the pressure's on............

(all encouragement is welcome, needed, and appreciated)


Shawn said...

Welcome to the club. The password is...fidelio.

Winky Twinky said...

Okay everyone...insider info: sshhhhhhh... (whispering) the password... is... FIDELIO.... Wait a minute, Shawn...that word seems to be closely related to another choice word..... ?? You have some 'splainin to do, Lucy...

Phillipia said...

Congrats...what did I tell ya?

You are funny...!!!

Timothy W Higgins said...

This is well deserved recognition indeed. Congratulation!

I was called 'funny' once or twice, but I was never really sure if they were talking about funny ha-ha, funny strange, or both. The only time now that I know I can get a laugh is when I tell people that I know what I am talking about.

Oh well, the Village Idiot gig isn't so bad, and the conventions are a blast.

Winky Twinky said...

Thanks Tim!! Oh come on, you have a great sense of humor!! Although, I know what you mean...I'm not sure what kinda funny I am either, but I'll leave well enough alone...

Jen said...

You are going to love HBDC. A great group of really funny and sometimes sick people.

Winky Twinky said...

Thanks for the welcome, Jen!! I've already had a blast...