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When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Divorce Anyone???

Yeah, unfortunately, I work in Divorce Court..... Disputes over salt n pepper shakers aren't nearly as entertaining, but trust me, it happens...... THIS is the result of the ex getting not only the double wide, but the truck!!! ;)


Thinkinfyou said...

What a giver that person was!

Winky Twinky said...

Yeah...guess that one figured no one should get anything...

Wayne said...

Hello that is true when you leave your woman sometime it can get real bad

Timothy W Higgins said...

At least he didn't break any windows...

Winky Twinky said...

Wayne: So true...

TH: Well, there's always a silver lining...???

Phillipia said...

Dodge this sucker!...ooops, sorry, Father's Day brings out the worst in me...

Waltsense.com said...

Another bad sign for American car copies - being used as weapons.

How the hell did it get so high?

Winky Twinky said...

Phillipia: I hear ya...

Waltsense: hehe @ weapons... I don't know how it got so high... launch sequence is my guess... but what TF are those hookie thingies and chains?? Highly suspect...

Timothy W Higgins said...


If that's what qualifies as a launch sequence ... Houston, we have a problem.

Winky Twinky said...

Errr...you have a point there... although trucks aren't usually prepared to do any work for Houston ;-P